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A Bridge/in case you will forget


This piece can be seen/heard/felt as a bridge. But it is only an invitation. I wanted to create a cage for the dearest memories, but the cage melted. It was fused by the flame that you can see on the top of the tower. The oxygen burnt and there is no rust left. I’m wondering how to learn from the affection that can be found in silence. The metal is wet, surrounded by the ocean. The memories are floating, taking on water and sinking. I went out to see if anyone was left. You are not reading a story, you are seeing images. I don’t understand you and you cannot hear me. Some work on our communication has to be done. Let’s build this bridge, between what you leave me and what I will leave. Between your noisy silences I can hear the echo of the wet metal house.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is a yellow helicopter landing on the ocean.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is heritage, isolation and being old.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is not a story.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is outlying, overhead and offshore.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is multiple.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is blue pictures of oil waves.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is the fear of the sea and the wind.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is quaking boats in different languages.

A bridge/ in case you will forget is deafnesses.
Concept, choreography and dance: Ottavia Catenacci
Original Sound: Eliza Bozek/moltamole
Supported by Hangartfest as part of Futura Scena, the winning project of the call “REFRESH! Lo spettacolo delle Marche per le Nuove Generazioni”, promoted by CMS Consorzio Marche Spettacolo.

Full Video A Bridge/in case you will forget

photo Umberto Dolcini